Solar Panel Roof Mounting Systems
Be Our PHILIPPINES Distributor,Together We Win!

Solar Opportunities in Philippines

Why us

1.Distributing experiences on solar products from solar panel, inverter, batteries and whole system etc.

2.Frequent importing from China (container shipment on monthly or quarterly base ), with Philippines local customs clearance capability.

3.Retailing channel on energy , agricultural relevant, products like car, diesel generator... across main Philippines cities e.g. Manila, Cebu, Davo...

How to become our Distributor

1.Send  distributor application, Bluesun will do your company profile and capbility check

2. Order Planning Agreement  & Field Trip

3. Athorized Didstrbutor Certification

Blueun reserves the the final right of interpretation for above dealer levels, benefits and supports etc.

Benefits & Supporting

1.Be our Distributor

-Official Distributor Certification

-Premium Pricing & New Products First Test

-Engineer Training and Certification Program (to China factory under Bluesun Cost)

-Marketing Support (T-shirts, hats, showcase room designing & decoration etc.)

-Co-holding Solar Events (Convention & Road Show)

-Supporting System Installation & Commission

2. Be Bluesun Official Repair Center

-Official Repair Center Certification
-Engineer Training and Certification Program (Invite to our China factory under Bluesun Cost)
-Repair Tools & Product Components Supported

-Collect Bluesun Business

2024 Planning

-May.17th, Road Show in Malina
-May.20th, Future Solar Convention

Service Online

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