Solar Panel Roof Mounting Systems
Production temporarily! The world's second largest producer of poly silicon Wacker explosion production base in the United States

Central European time September 7, 2017 22:00, the world's second largest producer of poly silicon Wacker in the American state of Tennessee production base, due to technical problems occurred in the material leakage and explosion accidents, and therefore damaged pipeline. During a small chlordane leak, but production base of water immediately extinguished the fire. Hydrogen chloride is left in the resulting water vapor. In addition, a steam pipe is damaged and additional steam is produced.

Two people were injured in the accident. An employee was taken to hospital for custody. Another firefighter was treated with dehydration and has been discharged from hospital.

Inspection data outside the factory show that the emission value is not raised. For the sake of safety, for the production of this Wacker polysilicon solar energy industry production plant to temporarily stop production. Why Wacker is currently investigating this accident.

It is understood that Wacker is a global chemical company, a total of approximately 17200 employees, annual sales of approximately 5 billion 400 million euros (2016). Wacker five business department business all over the world, now has 23 production bases in the world. Poly silicon is one of the core industries of the company, a total of three production base, located in Germany Berg Haosen and agribusiness uchtritz and the United States in Charleston.

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