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The British Labor Party announced plans to add 22 GW of solar capacity by 2030

Although solar power generation lags behind wind and nuclear power in terms of expected future footprints, the oppositions efforts to surpass central rivals in climate change have led to one of the most ambitious national roadmaps for a zero-carbon future in the world.

With the increasing possibility of Brexit-related elections, the opposition Labor Party has announced its plans to achieve the details of economic decarbonization to ensure global leadership to stop the runaway climate change.

The party's 30 reports by 2030was written by the Independent Energy Industry Expertsgroup and was released yesterday, highlighting 30 policy recommendations for achieving four key carbon reduction targets. The authors of the report said that if implemented quickly and fully, the UK could reduce its 2010 carbon emissions by 77% by 2030, far exceeding the global reduction of 45% required by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change during this period.

The policy package includes energy efficiency, de-carbonization of heating and energy, and balancing of the grid, which has had an impact on the UK solar industry as it calls for a threefold increase in solar capacity and an increase from the current 13 GW by 2030. To 35 GW, it supplies 9% of the country's energy.

Solar feed-in tariff

The policy document calls for the restoration of solar feed-in tariffs, and the closing of the feed-in tariff in March has stalled the UK's solar expansion. Other recommendations include prioritizing solar + storage as a solution to grid congestion, eliminating climate change taxes applicable to the company's renewable energy power purchase agreement, and introducing a technology-neutral reserve price mechanism in the "differential contract" solar power capacity commissioning system.

The paper was welcomed by the Solar Trading Association of the PV trading organization. Chris Hewett, CEO, said: "We welcome the Labour Party's ambition to achieve the 2030 carbon reduction target and its possible impact on solar deployment. The solar industry has a good track record in responding to policy drivers. Its speed and scale are often underestimated by traditional energy analysts. There is no doubt that we will address the climate change challenge in the next decade."

The policy document is consistent with the headline commitments made to ensure the insulation of large numbers of homes in the most energy-poor areas. The policy document envisages that 2,500,000 homes in the UK will install rooftop solar energy by 2030 to provide 4.5 GW. Target solar capacity

Nuclear and natural gas

It is foreseeable that solar energy is second only to wind energy in this policy package, and in some respects it is disappointing that the policy plan envisages retaining current nuclear power generation capacity and possibly eliminating new nuclear reactors by 2030. The report is also based on a 72% reduction in gas power generation from 130 TWh by 72 TWh, rather than completely eliminating the use of fossil fuels. The policy document does offer an ambitious goal to combine any remaining fossil fuel capacity in 2030 with 100% carbon capture and storage (CCS) to ensure zero emissions and also recommend termination of fracturing and Fuel power generation.

The paper predicts that by 2030, solar energy will provide 37 TWh of electricity to the United States, second only to offshore wind energy (172 TWh), onshore turbines (69 TWh) and nuclear power (63 TWh), but ahead of natural gas (32 TWh). .

The report recommends the use of solar water heating systems wonderfuland envisages that such household equipment (mainly in the warmer parts of southern England) will provide approximately 30 TWh of 553 TWh of electricity required for heating in 2030.

Energy storage

By that time, grid-scale energy storage must be expanded to at least 20 GW, with priority for pumping, batteries and pressurized air systems, although the report predicts that existing gas grid backup facilities will be needed over the next decade. As part of its low-carbon heating and energy storage program, the paper calls for more regional-based hydrogen transfer and distribution pilot projects, such as one currently conducted in Leeds, North England. Thirty reports by 2030 also highlighted the need for more research and development to reduce the cost of green hydrogen hydrolysis. The paper emphasizes that this technology is preferable to gas hydrogen production.

Although the report does not cover the transportation industry, the Labor Party has released another policy document on electric vehicles. The new decarbonization study predicts that by 2030, 25 million vehicles on the UK will use hydrogen power, biofuels. , natural gas and self-driving cars. Almost no penetration. As related vehicle-to-grid charging helps to alleviate the additional power demands of this transportation revolution, additional capacity is expected to be provided by wind, ocean and CCS rather than solar.

Critics will take advantage of the fact that this ambitious, once-in-a-lifetime climate change strategy has estimated a budget of 1.9% of GDP over the past decade, and the authors of the report have not been asked to find funding sources for their research. The work of politicians.

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